Al mejorar las habilidades de los educadores, amplificamos el impacto de la calidad de la educación y beneficiamos a miles de estudiantes, catalizando cambios positivos en sus vidas y en la región.
Donate $66
To provide 8 weeks of effective professional development and access teaching materials for one teacher.
¡Empodera a los maestros, eleva la educación!Al apadrinar el crecimiento profesional de los educadores, estás mejorando directamente la calidad de la educación para los niños en El Salvador.¡Actúa ahora y marca la diferencia!
Our model is the result of extensive research and consultation with teachers and education experts on effective teacher professional development.
An 8-week teacher training cycle costs $66 per teacher.
Investing in effective teacher training is highly profitable because of its exponential multiplier effect.
Each trained teacher has a direct impact on an average of 25 students in a year.
Imagine the impact this teacher can have on his future students over the years!