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investing in effective teachers professional development ensures that teachers stay up to date and improve  the quality of education they provide for their students. (Highlight quality of education)

Donate $66

To provide 8 weeks of effective professional development and access teaching materials for one teacher.

Donate $33

To provide 4 weeks of effective professional development and access teaching materials for one teacher.

Apadrinando el desarrollo professional de maestros contribuyes a mejorar de la calidad de la educación de los niños en El Salvador. Dona ya.

Our model is the result of extensive research and consultation with teachers and education experts on effective teacher professional development. 

An 8-week teacher training cycle costs $66 per teacher.

Investing in effective teacher training is highly profitable because of its exponential multiplier effect.

Each trained teacher has a direct impact on an average of 25 students in a year.

Imagine the impact this teacher can have on his future students over the years!

To raise the quality of education together